Memories of Primal Earth

Memories of Primal Earth

At least! Tomorrow I’m on my way to Ilo city, the place in the photo is in the heart of the city, Can you believe that a city has a sea in his center? So I’m traveling after an attack coordinated of virus to my system (a flu) and to my laptop (informatic) for work… meh!

I hope not more than two days. As usual I’ll schedule posts in advance ;-)

Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!” ;-)

18 thoughts on “Memories of Primal Earth

  1. Must be a beautiful place, Francis. I am sorry to hear about the viruses, hope things are getting better. take care of both systems :)

      1. A big hangover!! I hadn’t slept in 26 hours and then I got invited to a party from a bunch of people who were celebrating their company’s second year of existence. Came back home at 3 :( …
        A total of 32 hours without sleep, and then what do I get? around 4 hours of sleep. So walking around like a Zombie :(
        Sometimes it does not pay to be social or friendly… as a recluse I was better off lying low and not going to parties at all :D

      2. I could not escape this time. Mostly I tell people I cannot attend their parties. But these young people insisted. I supported their concept and their venture when they started out and so they probably felt I should be there this time, their second anniversary. It makes me uneasy to go to such things, especially when they all hang on to every word you say and treat you like royalty. It makes me all miserable, undeserving and over-flattered. The problem is, even if I tell them to stop the hero-worship, they think it is a wonderful gesture, that I am so humble!! (Sigh** so I just shut up these days and do not respond to it at all).

      3. I can’t remember last time I went to a party, and I know there have been years since I drink socially, I don’t miss that life… but I remember those elements in your experience that turns parties in something more like social tests XP Take care, Tejaswi, wish you a nice rest.

    1. Thanks, kind lady, not a so restful trip because I have to work, but I’ll take some time to be here and there ;-) Anxious to read your report of your time with friends :-)

  2. I would like to know a place with such a heart of the city :-)
    Glad you killed the viruses – always a great deal of annoyance.
    Have a good week, Francis.

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